November 13, 1882: 140th anniversary of the birth of Cardijn who, through the IYCW, keeps the flame of hope alive in the hearts of millions of young people

Cardijn was born on November 13, 1882. The 140th anniversary of his birth will be celebrated in the church of Our Lady of Laeken, Belgium on November 13, 2022 at 11:15 am. You are welcome to attend! You could also organize a celebration wherever you are!

Cardijn 140e anniv

In the church of Our Lady of Laeken, there is a very simple tomb: the tomb of Joseph Cardijn, the founder of the YCW, who died in 1967 at the age of 85.

A sentence is written on the wall: A young worker is worth more than all the gold in the world. It is a CRY, a CRY of denunciation of a dominant system that destroys personal dignity, solidarity, the environment...

It is a CRY of demand, a goal of action and struggle, a rallying CRY. That sentence sums up the feeling that drove Joseph Cardijn deep inside.

“Called to Act for Just Work”

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The International Young Christian Workers (IYCW), together with YCW Peru, will be organizing its XV International Council and exchanges of actions and good practices on engaging young people in Lima, Peru, from 23rd October to 8th November 2022 with the theme, “Called to Act for Just Work”.

This will be the first event we are holding in person after the spreading of Covid-19 and the many challenges we had to face, and we will count on the presence of 14 national movements and more than 45 delegates from Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe and Latin America.

The Economy of Francesco Global Event: Encounter, Bridges, Harvest, and Building a Better Economy Together

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Responding to Pope Francis’s call for young economists, entrepreneurs, practitioners and changemakers to “give a soul to the economy” and work towards an ecologically responsible economy that cares for all and leaves no one behind, more than a thousand young people from different parts of the world came to Assisi, Italy for the Economy of Francesco 2022 Global Event from 22 to 24 September.

They were days full of meaningful encounters, bridges and harvest. A space to share and listen to the stories, to learn about diverse initiatives and best practices, to connect with young people from other parts of the world, and to be part of a shared global commitment that seeks change.

Young people, including the representative of the IYCW and the network on the Future of Work After Laudato Si project where we belong, shared powerful spoken word pieces, echoing the very essence of the Economy of Francesco: “We are the women and men of listening and dialogue, connecting bridges and seeking to give soul to the economy.” Motivated and empowered by the encounter, the community proceeded to build bridges as ongoing projects were shared and ideas exchanged. Possible collaborative actions were sought to identify ways to transform towards an ecologically and socially responsible economy.