Young women workers are still struggling for equality, equity and dignity!

For so long women have been exploited, discriminated, harassed, and oppressed in the factories, houses and societies, and looked at as fragile, weak and vulnerable beings who are only meant to stay at home and look after their family.

But the truth is that women are a crucial part of the social, political and economic development all over the world. Their role in the different parts of history can’t be hidden, because the struggle of women for dignity, equality and equity at workplaces and in societies around the world is not a new trend.

Today we women are continuing the struggle of these activist women who left their mark throughout history. We are fighting in the footsteps of all those who have already achieved so much for us: women workers, trade unionists, suffragettes, scientists, housewives, students - women who revolted!

“Today I would like to emphasize the gender inequality in Pakistan. Despite some changing attitudes, even today a girl birth is not celebrated. Females are not given the same attention as men. As we have a man-dominated society, I would like to demand for gender equality in every field of life. There should be no discrimination, and no harassment of any kind at workplaces.” - Khushbu Amanat, Lahore

Today, women are still not respected, valued and appreciated in their societies. Today, women are still exploited, discriminated, harassed and oppressed.

The 8th of March is a day to remind each and every one that women deserve respect and appreciation for their economic, political and social achievements. It is also a reminder of the struggle, of the need – for both women and men - to fight every single day for the rights of women to be respected!  A lot has been achieved, but a lot still needs to be done. Every day we still see inequality at work, in our lives, in newspapers, in social media, in our families and our peer groups. Over the last months thousands of women and men went on the streets risking their lives for gender equality and against the regime in Iran. Every year, thousands of women get killed by their partners. This means that we still need to fight, educate, and stand together in solidarity.  

“The YCW holds training sessions and awareness-raising campaigns about gender for youth to be educated about this important issue. There are many social problems in the streets, and training spaces like these are conducive to the promotion of gender rights and they focus on the existing stereotyped roles that harm people and hamper the building of a just society with dignity and respect for and between people.” - Felipe Vega, Peru

Raising awareness and educating young men and women is crucial to achieving equality and breaking with the stereotypes and patriarchal systems of our societies.

Creating safe spaces where women can speak up and feel heard and empowered is very essential for their personal development and their capacity building.

Actions and campaigns need to be strengthened at every level, and women’s access to social protection, equal job opportunities, and equal income is urgently needed.

The existence of women is as important as men’s; the contribution of men in our societies is the same as the contribution of women. We are all equal, we are all worth the same! We need to be aware of that and act accordingly.

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