Solidarity Among Young People: The Role of YCW in Brazil

In the vibrant and diverse landscape of Brazil, a country marked by stark contrasts of wealth and poverty, the spirit of solidarity among young people stands as a beacon of hope. One of the key movements channeling this energy is the Young Christian Workers (Juventude Operária Católica, or JOC). Since its establishment 100 years ago, the JOC has played an instrumental role in advocating for the rights and welfare of young workers across the globe. In Brazil, the movement has taken on unique dimensions, reflecting the country's particular social and economic challenges.

Solidarity! This is one of the cores in YCW’s philosophy. During the visits of the member of the International Secretariat on July 12-30, 2024, YCW Brazil manifested this concept through several key initiatives:

Solidarity Economy Projects – YCW Brazil in Volta Redonda is developing actions based on the principle of self-management from the perspective of the popular solidarity economy. The Canudo Azul or Blue Straw Project, in which they develop actions around a cookery school, helps young people to be organized collectively, develop their self-esteem and protagonism, and understand the principle of the popular solidarity economy.

Training and Education – YCW Brazil organizes workshops, seminars, and training sessions to educate young workers about their rights and responsibilities. They also train young people to develop their skills and knowledge in a more practical way like welding and culinary courses.  These training sessions focus on the development of young militants, enabling young people to become advocates for their communities.

Community Projects and Development – The movement encourages young people to initiate and participate in community projects that address local needs. These projects can range from creating community gardens, eco-bags designs, arts and setting up a community library, providing fair opportunities for the people in the community.

Advocacy Campaigns – YCW Brazil is actively involved in various advocacy campaigns, pushing for policy changes that benefit young workers. This includes lobbying for better labor laws, clean environment and improved working conditions.

Exchanges of Realities and Actions – Local, national and international exchanges have been promoted. These exchanges motivate young people to learn from other experiences, develop as leaders and initiate new actions.

Networking Collective work with networks has brought greater impact in young people’s lives. YCW Brazil and its groups work relentlessly with their alliances, building solidarity for the achievement of greater objectives.

Impact and Challenges

The impact of YCW Brazil has been significant. The movement has not only helped young workers secure better working conditions and gain a deeper understanding of their rights but has also fostered a sense of unity and solidarity among them. By creating a supportive community, YCW Brazil empowers young people to take collective action and stand up against injustices in the workplace and beyond.

However, the movement is facing numerous challenges that became evident during the visits. The three major challenges the movement is facing are strengthening their action, initiation, and extension. Considering its financial limitations and the geographical distance, it is difficult to ensure follow up and accompany its base groups and regions. Moreover, Brazil's volatile political and economic climate, marked by periods of instability and inequality, poses significant obstacles. Additionally, the pervasive influence of consumer culture and individualism can sometimes undermine the collective spirit that the YCW seeks to promote.

Looking Ahead

Despite these challenges, YCW Brazil remains a vital force for change. The movement continues to adapt and evolve, finding new ways to engage and empower young workers in the face of modern challenges. They continue to reach out to young people by organizing various activities that motivate them to come together. The continuous review of life and formation with young people helps them develop their sense of belongingness and value. The undying support of adults in contact building and extension helps them expand. Maximizing the use of technology helps them stay connected and be as one movement. And as Brazil continues to grapple with issues of inequality and social injustice, the solidarity fostered by YCW Brazil offers a powerful testament to the enduring strength and resilience of young people committed to building a fairer, more just society.

YCW Brazil exemplifies the profound impact that solidarity among young people can have. Through its various initiatives, the movement not only improves the lives of individual workers but also contributes to the broader struggle for social justice. In a world where division and inequality often dominate, its message of solidarity and community offers a hopeful vision for the future.


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JOCA - YCW in the Americas

Welcome to the page of JOCA !

JOCA is the continental coordination responsible for animating, coordinating and accompanying the experiences of action of the national YCW movements in the Americas. The YCW in America is organised in Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Ecuador and Quebec.

The main sectors of action addressed by YCW national movements in the Americas are: Decent Work and Social Protection, Gender and Diversity, Access to Quality Education, Environment and Social and Solidarity Economy.




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