Peru YCW: Young Protagonists of Social Transformation

The Young Christian Workers of Peru, an organization of young workers present in 17 communities throughout the country and backed by 88 years of organic life, action and training, is a standard bearer of the struggle for dignified work and life for young people throughout the world. It focuses on training and education, action and the search for a critical, analytical and proactive spirit to promote the protagonism of young people in their lives, communities, schools and workplaces, starting out from their own realities.

Members of the Peruvian YCW meet every year in a forum where they can share experiences, reflect on the movement, propose strategies, and make responsible decisions to strengthen the YCW.

This is why, from May 17 to 21 this year, in the city of Lima, they held their 53rd National Council, a forum attended by activists, adult collaborators and guests such as former Economy Minister Pedro Francke, sociologist Rossana Mendoza, and institutional advisor Alejandro Cussianovich.

At the National Council, we took an in-depth look at the situation of young workers in our country, in our different contexts and locations. We started from the data we had previously collected at our regional seminars and other activities, and on that basis, four themes affecting communities emerged: the labor crisis (youth unemployment and informal work), social exclusion (dropping out of school and poverty), climate justice (environmental pollution and loss of natural, green and community spaces) and the life project crisis (teenage pregnancy and early responsibilities), all starting points for the reality of Peru's young workers from which we will work to transform the lives of young people, communities and other places.

The results of this National Council of the Peruvian YCW are not just reflected in its National Action Plan; the members also aimed to strengthen their Internal Plan; thus, initiatives for the financial autonomy of grassroots groups, agreements to strengthen adult accompaniment in an educational role within communities, and strategies to promote the spirituality and training of YCW activists came out. The two plans complement each other to set the movement's guidelines for the coming year. As part of the National Council's decision-making process, the plenary assembly elected the two new members of the National Coordination who will accompany Ana Facho (Chiclayo YCW): Patricia Cárdenas (Iquitos YCW) and Set Jiménez (Lima YCW). In keeping with the dynamics of the Peruvian movement, the communities thanked Maria del Carmen Flores at the end of her three-year term.

Each member attending the meeting represented his or her community and made a significant contribution to the analysis and proposals. At the end, they reaffirmed their commitment, with their grassroots groups, to making the plans and strategies a reality, and to implementing the decisions that came out from the meeting.

Through increased participation, we young people are building a dignified life for all!


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