IYCW Webinar: The Impact of Digitalization on Work, Life and Action

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As part of the celebrations of the "International Week of Young Workers" and "May Day", the IYCW organized an online debate on the impact of digitalization on work, life and action on April 30.

With the participation of activists of the movement from different countries and continents, as well as a large number of representatives of social organizations, trade unions, people involved in international cooperation and former activists, the online debate was able to clarify, in its different dimensions, the impact of digitalization on young workers’ lives.

Based on the testimonies and life experiences collected and analyzed, the IYCW noted that young workers, most of whom are forced into precarious work, without contracts or with short-term contracts signed by temporary work agencies, or working in "maquilas", in the informal sector of the economy or in rural areas, as well as students and unemployed youth, do not benefit from the social and economic opportunities presented as advantages of digitalization.

December 12, 2020: Join the IYCW for a Webinar on The Impact of Covid-19 on Young Workers' Reality

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It has been almost a year since Covid-19 emerged and it is still hitting humanity very hard. Unfortunately as predicted, young workers have not been able to escape and they are strongly affected by the situation. They are experiencing the impact and consequences of the pandemic in their daily lives, in their social life, in their families and at work.

Taking this reality into account, the IYCW carried out a survey and collected testimonies from young workers around the world. The International YCW wants to share that information and those realities and will therefore organize a webinar on the impact of Covid-19 on young workers’ reality on December 12, 2020 at 2:00pm (CET-Brussels time).

The panelists for this webinar are from Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe, and they will share their analysis on the impact that the measures implemented after the surge of Covid-19 around the world have on young workers’ reality. There will be young activists of the International YCW, a representative of a Belgian social movement (WSM), the Deputy Director of the Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV/ILO), as well as the former International YCW president (2000-2004) who fights for social rights in Quebec.

Our aim is

  • To raise public awareness about how young workers have been affected by this global pandemic and about the impact of the measures implemented by the states on their lives;
  • To give visibility to the actions carried out by young workers as an alternative to face the measures against Covid-19, as well as their demands to improve their living and working conditions.

You are most welcome to take part in this important WEBINAR!

Save the date: Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 2:00pm (CET-Brussels time).

Translation: Spanish/English.

If you wish to participate, please click on the link below and sign up: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kzGL7k0BSMKV-8EKV5cgiw

The online event will also be broadcast live on our social media: Facebook & YouTube.

Please spread this information.  We look forward to your participation!

IYCW and ICYCW celebration of Cardijn's Birthday: The Spirit of Cardijn alive in the action of YCW today

 The YCW, Has celebrated the 138th anniversary of the birth of its founder Joseph Cardijn. See in this video the testimonies of young workers and adults who were YCW militants, they share their testimony about the contribution of YCW to continue fighting for a world full of justice and peace. We would like to thank all those present at the activity and our invited friends from other institutions and networking organizations. 14.30 Music is played (artistic arrival) – (YCW Phillipines) 14.35 Greetings and Welcoming in the name of the two hosting movements (CIJOC/ Berhanu) and giving the floor to the moderator (Idy) 14.52 Moderator takes over, introduction to the agenda and give floor to the young (introduce the yw from Malawi) 14.55 How Cardijn impacts my life and action until today: testimony from a young YCW - Malawi 15:00 How Cardijn impacts my life and action until today: testimony from a YCW – Dominican Republic 15:05 Greetings and Birthday wishes: video message from other movements – Mijarc, JEC, Pax Romana, MMTC, Kolping International, ILO Bureau for Workers Activities, Anna Biondi, Deputy Director of the ILO Bureau for Workers Activities Luc Cortebeeck (ACTRAV) 15:15 Greetings and Birthday wishes: a greeting from WSM (Fons) 15:25 How Cardijn impacts my life and action until today: testimony from a YCW (Asia) - Pakistan 15:30 How Cardijn impacts my life and action until today: testimony from a YCW (Europe) - Portugal 15:36 Greetings - How YCW impacted my life: Video message from a former YCW 15:45 A Blessing to the young workers‘ today: Bishop of Dom Reginaldo Andrietta 16:00 Closing remarks in the name of the two hosting movements (JOCI/Sarah) Cheering on Cardijn‘s birthday and YCW 16:25 Music played as a good-buye celebration (Joc Japan)