"Working for a Promising Future", IYCW Intervention at the ILO Centenary, ILC 2019



Dear Director-General, distinguished delegates, thank you for giving us the floor.

We thank and congratulate the commission for this very interesting document. It is indeed crucial to discuss the future of work in this centenial year. It is not far off: new forms of work and the challenges of tomorrow are already here, and we, young workers, are the first to experience them. Just one example from today's young workers’ reality:

"My name is Ana, I live in Nicaragua. I have a university degree. I have now been working from home for 4 years for a US-based customs company. My work schedule is 8 hours a day and the only contact with my co-workers is by email or phone.

On May 1st, the International YCW asserts the right to live and work in dignity!

133 years after the Chicago events, here we are celebrating our “International Working-Class Day” together on 1st May. For the International YCW, May 1st is the day we raise the flag of our struggles and demands along with the worker movement at the international level. Every year from 24th April to 1st May, we organize an International Week of Young Workers (IWYW) with activities which have a political and training impact in countries around the world.

Decades of struggles by the international worker movement have gone by and the IYCW, through its actions, has taken part in them. However, the achievements we have accomplished in a number of countries over the years are now regressing. This regression is due to new conditions of exploitation at work that have an impact on young workers’ lives and undermine workers’ struggles: increase in working hours while salaries are decreasing, new jobs on virtual platforms, unequal rights between men and women and pre-determined gender roles at work, high rate of informal work in the world but lack of social security for workers in the sector…

IYCW, MIJARC and FIMARC Setting a Course of Action Together


The IYCW hosted an Asian Youth Seminar in the Philippines last September 24-28, 2018. Twenty-six delegates from various organizations, partners in the Philippines and national movements in Asia participated in the meeting. The three international organizations, MIJARC, FIMARC and the IYCW developed a program with the support of Entraide and Fraternité-Belgium. It is a three-year partnership program deepening on the topic of (1) youth (2) food sovereignty and (3) gender.

Before the youth seminar itself, a two-day exchange program was held in Valenzuela City, Philippines to see the reality of the young contractual factory workers and of informal workers working in the street.

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