JOC Europe: European Seminar in Linz, Austria

Last September, the European movements of the IYCW celebrated their European Seminar in Linz, Austria in collaboration with KJ Upper Austria (KJ means Catholic Youth and is the organization YCW Austria dissolved into some years ago). It was the first time in many years that the IYCW was meeting in Austria.

The seminar focused on the topics the different national movements brought up. Every delegation prepared one part of the program, sharing not only their actions but also the topics the actions are addressing, and including the participants from the different countries in their process.

KJ Austria shared about their project for young unemployed. They offer spaces for the young people to identify their needs and demands towards politicians and bring them into dialogue with decision makers afterwards. 

KAJ Flanders shared about the KAmeleJon, a youth house, focusing especially on migrant youth in the town of Roeselare. 

JOCECYL Spain shared about their action group on mental health and the process they are in right now. The young people of the group themselves shared about their realities and the various steps of their action, but also invited the participants from the other countries to reflect about what they know about mental health and the situation in their countries.

CAJ Germany shared their reflections about the role of the European Union in protecting workers' rights all over the world by not allowing exploitation in their supply chains, and they invited the other national movements to join a campaign for an effective due diligence law.

JOC Wallonia shared about their reflections and actions on colonialism in public spaces and the connections between colonial eras and today’s racism.

During the different presentations, the question that came up was if and how the YCW methodology is applied and what “applying the see-judge-act” even means in the different national movements. During an extra session, the participants exchanged about these questions and concluded that there is a lot to share about when it comes to the YCW methodology. This might be a hint for future occasions.


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We are JOC Europe!

YCW Europe is a youth movement, organizing people all over the continent, giving them a space to become aware of their realities and be actors of change in society. Our philosophy is education through action, which means that in YCW young people start from their realities of life, their experiences, and aspirations, analyze it together with others, reflect and take action to change what causes injustices. We are anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-capitalist.

The YCW uses the method of SEE (analysis), JUDGE (reflection) and ACT to bring about change. We meet to analyse the collective problems that young people face in their work and daily lives. In doing so, young people become more aware of their situation and discover what they want to change to create a society that reflects the values of solidarity and human dignity.

We want to join forces and get organised so that we can focus o...


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