CAJ Germany celebrates Equal Pay Day on March 2019

Equal Pay Day stands for the gender pay gap between women and men, which according to the Federal Statistical Office is 21 percent in Germany. This large pay gap means that women work for free until 18 March, i.e. 77 days, while men have been paid for their work since 1 January. Thus, the gross hourly wage for men is 4.41 euros more than for women. Germany lies thereby in the European comparison far behind. Positive examples in Europe are Romania, Italy and Belgium, which have gender pay gaps of less than 7 percent.

CAJ women see a huge problem here and do not want to accept this: Jasmin is angry when someone says that the pay gap doesn't even exist if more women work full-time or if they go less into social professions. She wonders why it is still the case that social activities are so badly paid.

Lisa sees the gender pay gap in unpaid jobs as a huge problem. "How can it be that women in the same job earn less than their male colleagues? Jasmin takes Equal Pay Day this year as an opportunity to investigate how much her colleagues* earn. "Do you know how much your colleagues earn? Have you ever asked, have you received an honest answer? Caro says: "It's a scandal that we have to talk about women being paid equally. That should be self-evident. And that is why we have to fight more than ever! Christoph is fighting for Equal Pay Day because it is time that we finally abolish patriarchy. We as CAJ Germany stand for equal rights, equal opportunities and fair wages - regardless of gender. We demand the abolition of the gender pay gap!


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YCW Europe is a youth movement, organizing people all over the continent, giving them a space to become aware of their realities and be actors of change in society. Our philosophy is education through action, which means that in YCW young people start from their realities of life, their experiences, and aspirations, analyze it together with others, reflect and take action to change what causes injustices. We are anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-capitalist.

The YCW uses the method of SEE (analysis), JUDGE (reflection) and ACT to bring about change. We meet to analyse the collective problems that young people face in their work and daily lives. In doing so, young people become more aware of their situation and discover what they want to change to create a society that reflects the values of solidarity and human dignity.

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