Experience of action for a dignified life: how young women in Ghana YCW seek to raise visibility and claim women's role in society

Understanding the role played by women on a global scale implies a certain developmental projection for society. Understanding that women are not only driving forces in the management of the household, but are also involved in economic, political and social progress is a challenge that invites society to join in this change.

With this in mind, the young women of the YCW in Ghana are aware of the urgent need to develop a series of activities and actions to highlight the role of women in society, the positive changes they bring to development, and their importance.

But beyond this, it is crucial to contribute from different perspectives to better understand this role and continue to promote meaningful change that will enable women to enjoy the same opportunities, as they are fundamental to the survival of an evolving or changing society.

This is why Ghana is organizing various activities to promote, make visible, encourage and enhance the role of women in the country, particularly young women workers. These activities revolve around various points:

Organization - Promoting different spaces to organize young people

The Ghana YCW is not just looking to organize young people: it is looking to involve other generations, particularly in the action process it has started, because it understands that change needs to be initiated at all levels. At this stage, YCW grassroots groups are inviting teenagers to take part in training programs.

Advocacy - Organizing various forums to strengthen and encourage investment in women as agents of change in the Ghanaian society

One of the themes was “Investing in women to celebrate progress.” This activity served as a powerful reminder of the essential role played by women in building a more equitable and prosperous society, an activity that gave rise to intergenerational experiences, which are extremely important for understanding the different aspects of change and the importance of women over time.

Action campaigns - Disseminating youth action through events

For example, they led various campaigns and social events on May Day, International Women's Day and the International Week of Young workers, to educate and raise awareness of the need for fair and decent working conditions, particularly in the informal sector. It is in this sector that women are most likely to work, mainly due to lack of opportunities and inequality in education and access to decent jobs.

As part of the campaign, they also raise awareness among young workers about flexible work practices and lobby for a dignified life.

Training, an important element in this process of change and advocacy

An important part of the action is the mentoring offered to young women workers, which also involves young people from the YCW grassroots. The aim of this space is to strengthen, identify and develop their leadership skills to take on different roles and responsibilities on issues such as access to decent work, financial planning and YCW methodology, which is fundamental in the movement as a tool to bring demands to fruition. Another theme aimed at developing future prospects is “inspiring the next generation.”

These recent actions by the Ghana YCW give a new impetus to teenage girls and young women to bring about change not only for women, but for society as a whole.

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PANAF YCW is the continental coordination responsible for animating, coordinating and accompanying the experiences of action of the national YCW movements on the African continent. The YCW PANAF is organised in Egypt, Ghana, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo Brazza and Namibia.

The main sectors of action addressed by YCW national movements in Africa are: Decent Work and Social Protection, Gender and Diversity, Access to Quality Education, Environment and Social and Solidarity Economy.