Second Issue of IYCW Bulletin: "The Gender Challenge"


The Gender Challenge

The IYCW is a movement committed to young workers, which wants to respond to their needs and class aspirations and tries to represent all their diversity. Since 2016 in the framework of its campaign for Just Work with adequate Social Protection for all, the movement developed, among others, specific campaigns in the sector of precarious work (production chains, work in the maquilas/FTZ...), in the informal sector and the Social Solidarity and Economy.

Likewise, the IYCW has intensified the debates and actions on the gender dimension, because regardless of the situation in the different sectors of society, exploitation is still more pronounced towards women as a whole, and especially towards young women workers, whom we are reaching.

In the processes of action and organization we have carried out, we have become aware of the imbalances and inequalities that exist in society with regard to the rights of men and women, although the laws contemplate them, it is almost always "wet paper". At this point in the history of mankind, technical development and global progress in all aspects, has not been able to pass on the benefits of human development equally between men and women. Why is that?

In this issue we want to address the transversal nature of the gender dimension through an analysis of what is happening at the international level, recognizing the progress made and paying special attention to the activities and actions that the YCW movements are developing in the countries. We also collected testimonies on adult support for actions and programs in this sector.

In June 2022, the IYCW organized a webinar on the topic and this publication also makes the link to that activity. By focusing on this dimension, we want to make what is happening visible and bring elements to the debate in the society.


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