We are JOC Europe!

YCW Europe is a youth movement, organizing people all over the continent, giving them a space to become aware of their realities and be actors of change in society. Our philosophy is education through action, which means that in YCW young people start from their realities of life, their experiences, and aspirations, analyze it together with others, reflect and take action to change what causes injustices. We are anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-capitalist.

The YCW uses the method of SEE (analysis), JUDGE (reflection) and ACT to bring about change. We meet to analyse the collective problems that young people face in their work and daily lives. In doing so, young people become more aware of their situation and discover what they want to change to create a society that reflects the values of solidarity and human dignity.

We want to join forces and get organised so that we can focus our thoughts, aspirations and energies on improving the quality of life for everyone. That's why we attach so much importance to training young activists capable of creating and leading groups, communities and teams to put an end to existing inequalities.

We are open to anyone who wants to get involved in our projects, but we attach the utmost importance to the active participation of young workers at all levels of the organisation. We are active at local, national and international level through actions and activities that promote our vision of solidarity and justice for all. We are a member of the International YCW, a movement that exists on five continents.

For all these reasons, we invite you to get to know us better!

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Don't miss this opportunity!